Church of Thessaly maintains a continuously expanding body of literature for both its citizens as well as the general public. If you are interested in learning more about what Thessalians practice and believe, please purchase some of our works listed here. All money earned from these goes towards our projects.
Thessalian Writings & Publications
Thessalian Hellenism:
A Dynamic New Religion

A short introduction into what Thessalian religion is from the perspective of a non-believer.
Demeter: Mistress of the Earth and Agriculture

Demeter is the Goddess of Earth and Agriculture. She is also seen as the embodiment of Fertility in all its aspects.
Hades: Master of Death and the Infernal Regions

Hades is the god who rules the land of the dead. He is the embodiment of mortality and endings. He is also the god of riches and wealth.
Hestia: Goddess of Peace, Home and Hearth

As the firstborn Olympian, Hestia holds a unique and powerful position among the Court of Olympus.
Poseidon: God of the Seas and Rivers

Poseidon is the god of the seas and rivers. He is seen as the embodiment of prosperity and success for those who make their living on the oceans.
Zeus: Master of Olympus

Zeus is the King of the Gods and Master of Olympus. He is the embodiment of Male Virility, Justice, Order and Leadership.
Queen of Olympus

Hera rules over Mount Olympus as Queen of the Gods. She is a matronly figure who is both patroness and protector of women.
Aphrodite: Goddess of Beauty and Sexuality

Aphrodite is the Goddess of Sexuality, Passion, Desire and Pleasure. She is the embodiment of Female Sexuality, Seduction, and Beauty.
Hephaistos: God of Smithing and Metallurgy

Hephaistos is the god who governs the realm of craftsmanship and fire. He is the embodiment of creativity and skill. He is also the god of craftsmanship and technological innovation.
Ares: Lord of Battle and Bloodshed

Ares is the god who governs the realm of war and conflict. He is the embodiment of strife and battle. He is also the god of courage and martial prowess.
Athena: Goddess of Wisdom, War and Crafts

Athena is the goddess who oversees wisdom and strategic warfare. She is the embodiment of intellect and strategic planning. She is also the goddess of knowledge and skillful endeavors.
Hermes: Herald of Olympus

Hermes is the god who governs communication, commerce, and travel. He is the embodiment of swift movement and connection. He is also the god of trade and financial transactions.
Artemis: Mistress of Nature and Goddess of the Hunt

Artemis is the goddess who presides over the wilderness and the hunt. She is the embodiment of nature and the cycles of life. She is also the goddess of wildlife and the untamed.
Apollo: God of Prophecy, Music and Enlightenment

Apollo is the god who governs the realms of music, prophecy, and healing. He is the embodiment of artistic expression and foresight. He is also the god of enlightenment and well-being.
Tama Rite:
For Thesmophoria

A táma rite is made up of seven days of prayer and meditation usually to ask a specific god or congregation of gods and spirits for special favors or petitions.
Tama Rite:
For Hekate

A táma rite is made up of seven days of prayer and meditation usually to ask a specific god or congregation of gods and spirits for special favors or petitions.
Hekate: Guardian of the Crossroads

Immerse yourself in Hekate's mysterious world, where the lines between light and darkness, life and death, and past and future blur.
Persephone: Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld

Discover a goddess whose presence echoes in every blooming flower, every season's transition, and every moment of rebirth.
Prometheus: God of Celestial Fire and Forethought

Discover a god whose presence echoes in every spark of inspiration, every instance of creative thought, and every moment of profound discovery.
The Dioskouroi: The Divine Twins and Protectors of Children

The story of the Divine Twins is an odyssey of unity, safeguarding, and the everlasting ties of kinship. Discover the most popular household gods of Thessalian Religion.
On the Gods and the Kosmos:
An Ancient Discourse on the Divine Order, Essence, and Cosmic Harmony

Monte Plaisance's translation of Sallustius, accompanied by insightful commentaries, is a valuable addition to the world of classical literature.
Scrolls of Manetho
Unveiling the Mystical Arts of Antiquity

​Scrolls of Manetho is a detailed exploration of ancient theurgic practices, Neoplatonic philosophy, and divine rituals, offering both historical insight and practical guidance for spiritual ascent and communion with the divine.